Roche Colorado
Hired to design and implement a long–range public outreach / public involvement program and internal employee program. ECA worked with Roche Pharmaceuticals for 10 years providing consulting, guidance on environmental issues management, created and facilitated the Community Advisory Board, employee training, public hearing facilitation, and overall media and crisis communications strategies and communications training for executives.
Good Housekeeping Institute
Provided consulting to Good Housekeeping for four years on how they should address environmental labeling for products under the, "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval," provided studies on forestry issues, HCFCs, environmental labeling worldwide, packaging issues etc. Started the Good Housekeeping Green Pages in the magazine.

Honda North America National 4H Council
Consulted with Honda NA on all environmental sustainability matters. Created curriculum called, Going Places, Making Choices, which focuses on transportation, environment and personal choice. Targeted to traditional and experiential high school, learning environments, the course includes 5 units encompassing transportation history, climate change, energy and resources, land use, and personal choice. ECA directed the project, provided written content, format, information resources and design concepts, website design, marketing materials and media relations.

Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
Hired on two–year contract to direct public outreach, including; strategic planning and communications, public meeting facilitation and interaction with stakeholders for Kaiser Hill managing the cleanup at this former plutonium weapons plant. (HIGHLY CONTENTIOUS ISSUES). Designed Communications Training for top 100 managers on site.

Lockheed Martin
Provided communication services to Astronautics for eight years. Hired to guide communications for Astronautics on environmental matters including; managing stakeholder relations on major remediation efforts at Denver site, newsletter on Denver remediation project, created numerous Environmental Annual Reports, wrote and produced video designed to communicate environmental goals to internal audiences, and created museum exhibit on the history of the Titan rocket.

City of Boulder
Provided strategic planning for Downtown Boulder Improvement District with the Chamber of Commerce and other community organizations for a large marketing program. Campaign design included large dioramas and banners at Denver International Airport, magazine ads and brochures. Its goal was to boost visits by business and tourist travelers to Downtown Boulder.

Dallas Area Rapid Transit
Comprehensive grade school (K–5) curriculum design and development for Dallas Area Rapid Transit. Included research, concept, design and writing. Easy to use, hands–on lesson plans in binder format. Each grade level explores the expanding influence of transportation throughout history and how it affects personal choices, land use and lifestyle. Compatible with all state educational standards. Illustrated characters, design and content builds on itself through all grades maximizing learning and continuity of material.

U.S. Army
Developed the comprehensive national communications strategy for use by federal munitions stockpile installations to help guide communications to surrounding communities regarding risks, safety alert systems and protective actions in case of accidents. Included media and advertising and public relations efforts.

Developed the national communications strategy and public campaign for FEMA's Project Impact, a coordinated communications program created to encourage citizens and state governments to be proactive and take preventive steps to minimize potential damage from natural hazards and severe weather. Full campaign included; television, radio, print, web.

Environmental Protection Agency
Facilitated the EPA´s Pollution Prevention Education and Planning Roundtable for the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) in Washington, DC. This session included an industry focus group agenda on voluntary partnerships, collaborative initiatives, and the regulatory process. The meeting was attended by senior level executives and environmental health and safety officials from the EPA and leading corporations such as IBM, GE, Amoco, Occidental Petroleum, Digital Equipment, Motorola and others.

The Vatican
Hired by SOCMA to develop and deliver all communications training to 200 member companies. Courses designed and delivered by ECA include: Media and Crisis Communications, Public Outreach Workshop, Corporate Environmental Strategy Development Workshop, Presentation Skills for Executives.

Ministry of Land & Parks, BC
Hired by SOCMA to develop and deliver all communications training to 200 member companies. Courses designed and delivered by ECA include: Media and Crisis Communications, Public Outreach Workshop, Corporate Environmental Strategy Development Workshop, Presentation Skills for Executives.

Keep It Clean Partnership
Hired by SOCMA to develop and deliver all communications training to 200 member companies. Courses designed and delivered by ECA include: Media and Crisis Communications, Public Outreach Workshop, Corporate Environmental Strategy Development Workshop, Presentation Skills for Executives.
Synthetic Organic Chemical Mfgr. Assoc.
Hired by SOCMA to develop and deliver all communications training to 200 member companies. Courses designed and delivered by ECA include: Media and Crisis Communications, Public Outreach Workshop, Corporate Environmental Strategy Development Workshop, Presentation Skills for Executives.