Crisis or Renaissance
Plain and simple — the landscape in which we operate our businesses and organizations has profoundly changed whether we acknowledge it or not. Those who lean into the change, correctly identify future trends and strategize… will win. Others will lose.
A Rare Breed
ECA believes no business or organization is immune from the radical shape shifting of our times. We are witnessing giant institutions and entire industries being dismantled and/or replaced in amazingly short order. Unanticipated issues appear out of nowhere and can broadside and disrupt business, challenging its working model and even its entire infrastructure. Whether impacted by changing technology, the exponential impact of social media on consumer behavior, geopolitical changes and even severe climate changes, the future will belong to those companies and others who are bold enough to change and greet it. This is where ECA comes in.
Environmental Communications Associates pioneered strategic planning and communications on environmental and sensitive issues since the late 1980s. Over the years we have helped clients assess opportunities and headwinds and strategically navigate the minefield of issues they face. This includes the integration of sustainability into corporate policies, operations and the interface with the public. ECA works alongside our clients (you) to refine or redefine their purpose, market, influences, strategic positioning — and develop subsequent creative campaigns and media that are spot on and create a new future. There is no group more experienced in handling tough issues and helping you navigate unpredictable business landscapes than ECA.
Our clients are a diverse mix of Fortune 500 business, entrepreneurial startups, government entities, and many non-profits. Our long track record tells the story.
Our Clients

Our Full-Spectrum Services
- Strategy (Research & Insights, Brand Positioning, Action Planning, Implementation, Monitoring)
- Creative (Campaigns, Design, Messaging, Content, Advertising)
- Public Relations (Media Relations, Spokespeople, Experiential & Events, Education)
- Digital (Web, Social, Mobile, Video)
- Engagement (Stakeholder Engagements, Relationship Building, Reputation Management, Crisis Management, Partnerships)
- Sustainability (Risk & Opportunity Analysis, Benchmarking, Issue Prioritization, Capacity Building, Business Case, Innovation)

Our Approach
Success can no longer be based on dependable public communications approaches or age-old marketing strategies and principles. Here at ECA, it is about deeply understanding key issues — inside out and from every angle. Our process is surgical, designed to shift the trajectory of an issue or company through reframing and rethinking the problem statement and complete market situation from the bottom up.
Often it is not what it seems.
Our fast paced web and social dominated media landscape means every communication has the power to quickly amplify success or cause exponential consequences. ECA communications programs are designed to thrive in this environment. Through creative engagement campaigns we draw unlikely allies, open doors for ongoing participation, and build relationships to last.
Consider us.
We’re a rare hybrid.